This past May, our twin daughters celebrated their 6th birthday. To celebrate this special occasion we got them a brand-new outdoor wooden play set, to replace the previous one, which was apparently left in our yard by a previous owner, who must have built it before they invented measuring tape and bubble levels, judging from the condition of the wood, and the craftsmanship. My father has been helping a great deal on this project. We've just started building the new one, and this promises to be a massive project. So far, the manual instructed me to buy drill bit attachments that I didn't need, it failed to tell me to buy drill bit attachments that I would need, it has inconsistently labeled washers and bolts, and at least one diagram is drawn incorrectly. In comparison to most projects that my family works on, this project is going amazingly smooth. Our 13-year old son proved to be quite enthusiastic and adept at dismantling the old playset. The first phase of the proje...
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